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All bumpers must ship via FedEx Freight on a pallet.

Freight deliveries can be made to both residential or commercial properties but we recommend commercial properties as the shipping rates are lower.

Commonly Asked Questions

What Qualifies as a Commercial Property?

FedEx describes a commercial property as:

• A property in which there is a commercial business,

• there is no residence,

• is not in a residential area (you can get an idea if they will consider it a residential area by whether or not your ship to address has residential properties surrounding it),

• and a truck with a 40 ft trailer could easity drive in, deliver, and exit.

Note: FedEx is the one who will ultimately decide if the property fits their "Commercial Property" definition.

Which Freight Terminal is Nearest Me?


You can contact us at


and we can assist you in locating the terminal nearest you


you could enter your zip code on the FedEx Freight Service Center finder in the link below:

FedEx Freight Terminal Locations

Do I Need Liftgate Services?


Lift gate deliveries will be required for any delivery location that does NOT have a forklift or bay to remove pallet.

FedEx will NOT allow you to enter into their trailer to remove by hand. If there is no forklift, they will bring a lift gate truck for your delivery.

Please consider this when choosing your delivery method.




Our goal is to get your products to you safely, securely,
and at the lowest possible shipping rate.

Please contact us if you have trouble completing your order
or would simply like our assistance to do so.

Call Now (305) 888-8669

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